Dr Shweta Gogia

Natural Home Remedies for Rhinorrhea (Runny Nose)

Rhinorrhea, commonly known as a runny nose, is a condition where the nasal passages produce excessive mucus, leading to discomfort and congestion. While it is often caused by viral infections like the common cold or allergies, rhinorrhea can be effectively managed at home using natural remedies. These remedies can provide relief from symptoms and promote […]

Runny Nose Remedies: Home Treatments for Rhinorrhea

Rhinorrhea is a medical term for a runny nose. It is a condition where excessive mucus production results in a dripping discharge from the nose. Rhinorrhea Symptoms: The major symptom of rhinorrhea is an excessive amount of clear or colored mucus running from the nose. Other common symptoms include a feeling of congestion, a sore […]

Vertigo Symptoms: Feeling Dizzy and Unbalanced

Vertigo is a condition that makes you feel like everything around you is spinning or tilting, even when you’re not moving. It can be caused by problems in the or the brain. The common symptoms of vertigo include: Common Causes of Vertigo: If you experience vertigo symptoms regularly, it’s essential to check with a healthcare […]

All About Tinnitus

Tinnitus is when you hear ringing or buzzing sounds inside your head created by your hearing system, not your environment. The sound can be loud or soft, low, or high pitched. Tinnitus can occur in one ear or both ears. The prevalence of tinnitus is increasing in the young population because of the habit of […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Sinusitis

Sinusitis, a common ailment that troubles a vast majority of people, manifests as a persistent inflammation of the sinuses leading to congested noses, headaches, and facial pain. Often mistaken for a prolonged cold, sinusitis is more than just a seasonal annoyance. It is a condition that affects daily functioning and requires proper understanding and management. […]

Inner Ear FAQs: Answers to Your Questions about Hearing and Balance

The inner ear is a small part of our body deep inside the skull that helps us hear and stay balanced. The inner ear contains special parts that detect sound vibrations and movements, sending signals to the brain so we can hear and stay balanced. Hearing loss can be caused by various factors such as […]

Exploring the Inner Ear: An Anatomy Journey

The inner ear is a part of our body that helps us hear and stay balanced. It’s located deep inside our skull, near the brain. It has three main parts: So, the inner ear is like a complex system of fluids and tiny structures that work together to help us hear and stay balanced. When […]

The Sound of Change: Understanding Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are transformative devices that can improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing hearing loss. The Power of Sound Sound is an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to the world around us and facilitating communication, interaction, and engagement. However, for millions of people worldwide, hearing loss poses a barrier to […]

Understanding Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a common sensory impairment characterized by the reduced ability to perceive sounds. It can range from mild to profound and may affect one or both ears. Causes of Hearing Loss Several factors can contribute to hearing loss, including: Types of Hearing […]

Tackling Tonsillitis: Understanding, Recognizing, and Treating the Condition

Tonsillitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the tonsils, two small glands at the back of the throat. Understanding Tonsillitis Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils, typically caused by viral or bacterial infections. The tonsils are part of the body’s immune system and help defend against pathogens entering the body through the […]