Dr Shweta Gogia

Head And Neck And Skull Base Surgery

The recent times have an increasing numbers of patients with malignancies, and thus there is a need to create an awareness about the problem and its magnitude. A large no. of these malignancies occur in head and neck region especially the oral cavity and laryngeal region. Recognition of these and early intervention goes a long way in changing the prognosis of the disease.

Additionally there a numerable benign disorders that occur in the head and neck region such as those involving the thyroid gland, thyroglossal cysts, other midline neck cysts, parathyroid adenomas, salivary gland tumours such as submandibular gland and parotid gland pleomorphic adenomas.

We are committed to the early and appropriate management of the benign and malignant head and neck conditions. 

With the use of the sophisticated fibreoptic scopes we can accurately diagnose conditions and also plan the treatment. Using instruments such as coblation and harmonic scalpel and lasers we provide the best possible treatment for all these conditions.

Apart from the neck and oral cavity lesions, conditions associated with skull base such as tumours arising from the skull base – esthesioneuroblastoma, meningioma, schwanommasetc and congenital conditions such as dermoid cysts, menigoceles, meningomylocelesetc can be addressed endoscopically through nose thereby decreasing the morbidity of the patient and yielding better results.

With the use of the sophisticated fibreoptic scopes we can accurately diagnose conditions and also plan the treatment. Using instruments such as coblation and harmonic scalpel and lasers we provide the best possible treatment for all these conditions.

Apart from the neck and oral cavity lesions, conditions associated with skull base such as tumours arising from the skull base – esthesioneuroblastoma, meningioma, schwanommasetc and congenital conditions such as dermoid cysts, menigoceles, meningomylocelesetc can be addressed endoscopically through nose thereby decreasing the morbidity of the patient and yielding better results.

Head and neck conditions being treated

  • Oral leukoplakia
  • Melanoplakia
  • Verrucous hyperplasis and verrucous carcinoma
  • Oral cancers
  • Thyroid swelling – Benign and malignant
  • Midline neck swelling- thyroglossal cyst, dermoid cyst, lipoma
  • Branchial cist and sinus
  • Schwannoma and carotid body tumours
  • Salivary gland tumours- pleomorphic adenoma, mucoepidermoid carcimona, adenocarcinoma
  • Ranula
  • Laryngeal conditions- benign cysts, haemangioma, webs, tracheal stenosis, laryngeal stenosis
  • Carcinoma larynx