Dr Shweta Gogia

Otology And Cochlear Implants

Cochlear Implant

Cochlear implant is an electronic device which helps the people with profound deafness or severe deafness the sense of sound. It is a surgically implanted device which has an internal electrode array with magnet which is implanted along with the receiver / stimulator and an external device which incorporates the microphone and speech processor. This device helps children who are hard of hearing since birth or develop deafness due to any other reason and therefore fail to develop speech. It also helps in adults who have already developed speech but lose their hearing ability due to any of the innumerable reasons. Even patients with unilateral or single ear deafness can opt cochlear implantation this provides them with the bilateral hearing and helps in better sound localization.

  • Otology (ear) and cochlear implantation
  • Experienced in treating and providing best possible care for all problems related to ears in both paediatric and adult population
  • Undertaking all office-based otology procedures such as examination under microscope, aural lavage, wax removal, ear canal biopsy, myringotomy, and grommet insertion, intratympanic infection as well as providing entire spectrum of audiologic services including complete hearing assessment in neonates and children
  • Having promising results for patients with chronically discharging ear and hearing problems
  • Surgical facilities for ear disorders
  • Myringotomy and grommet for serous otitis media
  • Laser assisted stapedotomy
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Medical and office-based procedures in otology
  • Examination under microscope and otoendoscopy
  • Foreign body removal/ wax removal
  • Aural lavage for otitis externa/ otomycosis
  • Biopsy for external ear / middle ear
  • Grommet insertion
  • Intratympanic drug delivery
  • Tympanoplasty
  • Cortical mastoidectomy
  • Modified radical mastoidectomy